Monday 4 September 2017


Islam the Religion of Peace

Saturday 2 September 2017

Water (for Purification)

Abdullahi Umar Baba
Fiqh Us Sunnah
Volume 1
Fiqh 1.1: Purification
The shari'ah has divided water into four kinds:
mutlaq water,
used water (for purification),
water mixed with pure elements and
water mixed with impure elements. We shall discuss each of them separately.
Fiqh 1.1 a: Mutlaq water
This kind of water is considered pure because of its inherent purity and as such, it can be used by an
individual to purify him or herself. It consists of the following categories:
Fiqh 1.1 b: Rain water, snow, and hail
These substances are pure because Allah says so: "And sent down water from the sky upon you, that
thereby He might purify you..." (al-Anfal 1), and "We send down purifying water from the sky" (al-
Furqan 48). This is also supported by the following hadith: Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of
Allah, upon whom be peace, used to be silent between the (opening) takbir of the prayer and the verbal
Qur'anic recitation. Abu Hurairah asked him, "O Messenger of Allah, may my father and mother be
sacrificed for you, why do you remain silent between the takbir and the recital? What do you say
(silently during that time)?" He said, "I say, 'O Allah, make a distance between me and my sins similar
to the distance you have made between the East and the West. O Allah, cleanse me of my sins in the
manner that a white garment (is cleansed) from dirt. O Allah, wash my sins from me with snow, water,
and hail."' This hadith is related by the "group", except for at-Tirmizhi.
Fiqh 1.2: Sea water
Sea water's purity is based on the following hadith: Abu Hurairah related that a man asked the
Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, "O Messenger of Allah, we sail on the ocean and we carry
only a little water. If we use it for ablution, we will have to go thirsty. May we use sea water for
ablution?" Said the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, "Its (the sea) water is pure and its dead
(animals) are lawful (i.e., they can be eaten without any prescribed slaughtering)." This hadith is
related by "the five." At-Tirmizhi calls it hassan sahih, and al-Bukhari says it is sahih.
Fiqh 1.2 a: Water from the well of Zamzam
'Ali narrated that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, called for a bucket that contained water
from the well of Zamzam. He drank from the bucket, then made ablution (with its water). This hadith is
related by Ahmad.
Fiqh 1.2 b: Altered water
This involves water whose form has been altered because of its being in a place for a long period of
time, or because of the place in which it is located, or because of its being mixed with a substance that
cannot be completely removed from it (i.e., water mixed with algae, tree leaves, and so on). The
scholars agree that this type of water falls under the heading of mutlaq water.
them as being impure. Nevertheless, it does not bother him if the object falling into a substance does
not alter it (in any way)."
Fiqh 1.7 b: Bones, horns, claws, fur, feathers, and skin and so on of dead animals
All of these are considered pure. Concerning the bones of dead animals, az-Zuhri said, "I have met
some scholars of the preceeding generations who used such objects for combs and pots for oil, and
they did not see anything wrong in that." This is related by al-Bukhari. Said Ibn 'Abbas, "The client of
Maimunah was given a sheep as charity, and it died. The Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace,
passed by it and said, 'Why do you not remove its skin, treat it and put it to use?' She said, 'It is
dead' (i.e., it has not been slaughtered properly). He said to her, 'Only eating it is forbidden."' This is
related by the group. Ibn Majah attributes the incident to Maimunah and her client. Al-Bukhari and an-
Nasa'i do not mention treating the skin. It is reported from Ibn 'Abbas that he recited: "Say (O
Muhammad): "In all that has been revealed to me, I do not find anything forbidden to eat; if one wants
to eat thereof, unless it be carrion, or blood poured forth, or swine flesh..." (al-An'am 145). Then he
said, "What is forbidden is its meat. As for its skin, skin used for waterskins, teeth, bones, fur and wool,
they are permissible." This is narrated by Ibn Munzhir and Ibn Hatim. Similarly, its rennet and milk are
considered pure. This is supported by the fact that when the companions conquered Iraq, they ate the
cheese of the Magians which was made from rennet, although their slaughtered animals were
considered the same as 'dead animals.' It is confirmed from Salman al-Farsi that when he was asked
about cheese, clarified butter and pelts, he said, "What is permissible is what Allah made permissible in
His book. What is forbidden is what Allah made forbidden in His book. What he omits, He has pardoned
for you." It is well-known that he was being asked about the cheese of the Magians, as Salman was
'Umar's deputy in Mada'in, Iraq.
Fiqh 1.8: Blood
This includes blood that pours forth from an animal's body, such as blood from a slaughtered animal, or
from menstruation, except for what small amounts are overlooked. Ibn Juraij said about the Qur'anic
verse "...or blood poured forth..." (al-An'am 145), that this is the blood that flows out. The blood that
does not flow out, but remains in the veins, is permissible. This is related by Ibn al-Munzhir. And it is
also related from Abu Majlizn in his discourse on blood that he was asked, "What about the blood that
remains in the slaughtered sheep or at the top of the cooking pot?" He answered, "There is no problem
with it. What is forbidden is the blood that flows out (of the animal at the time of slaughtering)." This
was recorded by 'Abd ibn Hameed and by Abu ash-Shaikh. It is also related from 'Aishah that she said,
"We used to eat the meat when the blood was streaking the pot." Al-Hassan said, "The Muslims always
prayed, even while they were bleeding." This was mentioned by al-Bukhari. It is confirmed that 'Umar
prayed while his wound was bleeding. Elucidating the point, Ibn Hajr says in Fath al-Bari (a
commentary on Sahih al-Bukhari): "Abu Hurairah did not see anything wrong in a drop or two of blood
during the prayers. Based on this report from Abu Hurairah, the blood of a flee or the blood that comes
from a pimple are to be overlooked. Abu Majlizn was asked about pus that gets on the body or the
clothes. He said, 'There is nothing wrong with them. Allah mentions only the blood, not the pus."'
Commenting on the subject, Ibn Taimiyyah says, "It is obligatory to clean the clothes from pus,
purulent matter or similar fluids." He also says, "There is no proof concerning its impurity." It is
preferred for the person to avoid contact as much as possible with these substances.
Fiqh 1.9: Pig's meat
According to the verse (al-An'am 145) quoted earlier, items mentioned therein are impure. The
pronoun 'they' refers to all three of the mentioned items. It is, however, allowed to knit with the hair of
a pig according to most of the scholars.
Fiqh 1.9 a: Vomiting of a person, urine, and excrement
There is agreement among the scholars that these objects are impure. But, a slight amount of vomit
(commonly understood as a small amount of liquid) and the urine of an unweaned male baby are
overlooked and pardoned. It is sufficient just to sprinkle water over the urine of an unweaned male
baby. This is based on the hadith of Umm Qais. She came to the Messenger of Allah with her unweaned
son. After a while, the baby urinated in the Prophet's lap. The Prophet, upon whom be peace, called for
some water, which he sprinkled over his clothes, and did not give them a complete washing. This is
related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.
'Ali narrated that the Messenger of Allah said, "The urine of a baby boy should have water sprinkled
upon it. The urine of a baby girl is to be washed off." Says Qatadah, "This refers to a male baby that
has not yet begun to eat. If he already eats, then the garment is to be washed."
This hadith is related by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmizhi and Ibn Majah. In al-Fath, Ibn Hajr says its
chain is sahih.
Sprinkling is sufficient as long as the boy is still nursing. If he eats solid food, his urine must be washed
from the clothes and body. There is no disagreement on this latter point. Perhaps the reason for this
exemption to the male baby's urine is that people have a tendency to carry their male babies around,
and it would have been difficult to clean the clothes after their frequent urinations.
Fiqh 1.10: Al
Wadi is a thick white secretion discharged (by some people) after urination. It is considered impure.
'Aishah said, " Wadi comes out after urination. The person should wash the private parts and perform
ablution. It is not necessary to perform ghusl. This is related by Ibn al-Munzhir. Ibn 'Abbas related that
"mani (sperm) requires ghusl. As for mazhi (semen) and wadi they require a complete purification."
This is related by al-Athram. Al-Baihaqi has it with the wording, "Concerning mazhi (prostatic fluid) and
wadi, he said, 'Wash your sexual organs and perform the same type of ablution as you perform for
Fiqh 1.10 a: Al-Mazhi or prostatic fluid
This is a white sticky fluid that flows from the sexual organs because of thinking about sexual
intercourse or foreplay, and so on. The person is usually not aware of when exactly it is secreted. It
comes from both the male and the female sexual organs, although the amount from the latter is usually
more than the former's. Scholars are agreed that it is impure. If it gets on the body, it is obligatory to
wash it off. If it gets on the clothes, it suffices to sprinkle the area with water, as it is very hard to be
completely protected from this impurity, especially for the young, single person. 'Ali said, "I used to
excrete mazhi, so I asked a man to ask the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, about it. I was
shy to do so because of my position with respect to his daughter ('Ali was the Prophet's son-in-law). He
said, 'Make ablution and wash your penis." This is related by al-Bukhari and others. Sahl ibn Hanif said,
"I used to suffer from excessive amounts of mazhi. I used to make lots of ghusl because of it. So I
mentioned this to the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, and he said, 'It is sufficient to take a
handful of water and sprinkle it over your clothes wherever the fluid appears."
The hadith is related by Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, and at-Tirmizhi. The latter says, "The hadith is hassan
sahih. In the chain is Muhammad ibn Ishaq, who is considered weak when he relates in mu'an'an
(handed-down) form because of his reputation as one who commited tadlis. But in this narration, he
makes it clear that he heard the hadith directly." Al-Athram narrated the same hadith with the wording,
"I was bothered by a great deal of mazhi, so I went to the Prophet, upon whom be peace, and informed
him of this. He said 'It is sufficient for you to take a handful of water and sprinkle it over (the mazhi)."'
Fiqh 1.11: Sperm, Al
Some scholars say that sperm is impure, but apparently it is pure, for it is only recommended to wash
it off if it is still wet, and to scratch it off if it is dry. Said 'Aishah, "I used to scratch the sperm off the
Messenger of Allah's clothes if it was dry, and wash it off if it was still wet." (This is related by ad-
Daraqutni, Abu 'Awanah and al-Bazzar). It is also related that Ibn 'Abbas said, "I asked the Messenger
of Allah about sperm on clothes. He said, 'It is the same as mucus and spittle. It is sufficient to rub the
area with a rag or cloth."'
The hadith was related by ad-Daraqutni, al-Baihaqi and atTahawi. There is a difference in the narration
over whether it should be in marfu'or mauqoof form.
Fiqh 1.11 a: The urine and stools of animals that are permissible to eat
Both of these are considered impure. Ibn Mas'ud related that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be
peace, went to answer the call of nature. He asked 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud to bring three stones. 'Abdullah
said, "I could not find three stones, so I found two stones and animal dung and brought them to him.
He took the two stones and threw away the dung saying, 'It is impure."'
The hadith is related by al-Bukhari, Ibn Majah, and Ibn Khuzaimah. In one narration it states, "It is
impure. It is the stool of a donkey." A little amount of it is pardoned though, as it is very difficult to
completely protect one's self from it. Al-Waleed ibn Muslim says, "I said to al-Auza'i, 'What about the
urine of animals whose meat is not eaten, like the mule, donkey and horse?' He said that they used to
come into contact with these during their battles, and that they did not wash it off their bodies or
clothes. As for the urine and stools of animals whose meat is permissible, Malik, Ahmad and a group of
the Shaifiyyah says that it is pure. Commenting on the subject, Ibn Taimiyyah says, "None of the
companions held that it is impure. In fact, the statement that it is impure is of recent origin and not
from the early generations of the companions."
Said Anas, "A group of people from the tribes of Ukul or 'Uraina came to Madinah and became ill in their
stomach. The Prophet ordered them to get a milking she-camel and drink a mixture of its milk and
urine." This hadith is related by Ahmad, al-Bukhari and Muslim and points to a camel's urine as being
pure. Therefore, by analogy, other permissible animals' urine may also be considered pure. Says Ibn al-
Munzhir, "Those who claim that that was permissible only for those people are incorrect. Specification is
only confirmed by some specific proof." He also says, "The scholars permit, without any objection, the
sale of sheep's stools and the use of camel's urine in their medicine, both in the past and in the
present, again without any objection. This shows that they are considered pure." Says ash-Shaukani,
"Apparently, the urine and stools of every living animal permissible to eat is pure." There is nothing to
prove otherwise.
Fiqh 1.12: Jallalah
Jallalah refers to an animal that eats the waste or flesh of other animals, such as camels, cows, sheep,
chickens, geese, and so on. Ibn 'Abbas reported that the Messenger of Allah forbade the drinking of
such animals' milk.
This hadith is related by "the five," except for Ibn Majah. At-Tirmizhi grades it as sahih. In one
narration it states, "It is also prohibited to ride upon a jallalah. (Related by Abu Dawud.) 'Amr ibn
Shu'aib related on the authority of his father, from his grandfather, that the Messenger of Allah
prohibited the meat of domestic donkeys. As for the jallalah, he prohibited riding or eating
them." (Related by Ahamad, an-Nasa'i and Abu Dawud.) If the jallalah animal is kept away from the
other animals for some time and is given clean food to eat, then it becomes pure and is no longer called
jallalah. If this is the case, it becomes permissible to eat, as the reason for its prohibition was the
change it underwent due to eating filth, a state which would no longer be present.
Fiqh 1.12 a: Alcohol
According to most scholars, alcohol is impure. Says Allah in the Qur'an, "Alcohol, games of chance,
idols and divining arrows are only an infamy of Satan's handiwork." Some scholars say that it is pure,
for they take the meaning of rajis in its abstract sense as describing alcohol and whatever is related to
it. This is not labeled as impure in a definite, sensory way. Says Allah, "Stay away from the impurities
of idols." Idols are impure in the abstract sense, and they are considered impure if one touches them.
The explanation of the preceding verse is that they are a tool of Satan, for they cause enmity and
hatred and keep people away from the remembrance of Allah and pra.yer. In Subul as-Salaam it says,
"Their origin is pure and their being prohibited does not mean that the object itself is impure. For
example, hashish is prohibited but it is pure. But, something impure is not necessarily prohibited. Every
impure thing is prohibited, but not vice-versa. That is because of the ruling that something impure
cannot be touched under any circumstances. If a ruling says that something is impure, it is also
prohibited. This differs from a ruling that something is prohibited. For example, it is forbidden to wear
silk and gold, but they are absolutely pure by consensus." If one understands that, then the prohibition
of alcohol does not necessarily entail its also being considered impure: it needs some other evidence to
prove that it is impure. If not, then we are left with the original position that it is pure. If one claims
other than that, he must substantiate it.
Fiqh 1.13: Purifying the body and clothes
If the clothes or body are contaminated with impurities, it is obligatory to wash them with water until
they are cleansed of the impurities. This is especially the case if the impurity is visible, such as blood. If
there are some stains that remain after washing which would be extremely difficult to remove, they can
be overlooked. If the impurity is not visible, such as urine, it is sufficient to wash it one time. 'Asma
bint Abu Bakr related that a woman came to the Prophet, upon whom be peace, and said, "Our clothes
are contaminated with menstrual blood. What should we do about this?" He said, "Scrape it, rub it with
water, pour water over it and then pray in it." (This is related by al-Bukhari and Muslim) If impurities
get on the lower portion of a woman's dress, it is purified by dust as she trails along. A woman said to
Umm Salamah, "I have a long dress that drags on the ground, even when I walk through places that
contain filth. What should I do about it?" Umm Salamah answered her, "The Messenger of Allah said,
'What comes after it purifies it."' This is related by Ahmad and Abu Dawud.
Fiqh 1.13 a: Dogs
Dogs are considered impure. Any container that a dog has licked must be washed seven times, the first
time with dirt. Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenager of Allah, upon whom be peace, said,
"Purifying a container that a dog has licked is done by washing it seven times, the first washing being
with dirt (that is, water mixed with dirt until it becomes muddy)." This was related by Muslim, Ahmad,
Abu Dawud, and al-Baihaqi. If a dog licks a pot that has dry food in it, what it touched and what
surrounds it must be thrown away. The remainder may be kept, as it is still pure. As for a dog's fur, it is
considered pure.
Fiqh 1.14: Purifying the ground
If there are impurities on the ground, it is purified by pouring water over it. This is proven by Abu
Hurairah's hadith, mentioned earlier, about the bedouin who urinated in the mosque. The Prophet, upon
whom be peace, said all that needed to be done for purification was to pour water over it. Said Abu
Qulabah, "The drying of the ground is its purification." 'Aishah said, "The purification of the ground is its
becoming dry." (Related by Ibn Abi Shaibah.) This, of course, refers to the case where the impurity is a
liquid. If the impurity is a solid, the ground will only become pure by its removal or decay.
Fiqh 1.14 a: Purifying clarified butter and other similar substances
Ibn 'Abbas relates from Maimunah that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, was asked about a mouse
that fell into a pot of clarified butter. He said, "Take (the mouse) and what is around it out, and throw it
away. Then eat (the rest of) your clarified butter." This is related by al-Bukhari.
Commenting on the subject, al-Hafezh Ibn Hajr says, "Ibn 'Abdul Barr reported that there is agreement
that if a dead animal falls into a solid matter, what the dead animal touches and what is around it must
be thrown away, provided that one can make sure that the animal did not touch the remainder. As for a
liquid substance, there is some difference of opinion. The majority say that the entire liquid becomes
impure; az-Zuhri, al-Auza'i, and some others disagree with that opinion.
Fiqh 1.15: Purifying the skin of dead animals
Tanning purifies the skin and the fur of a dead animal. This is based on the hadith of Ibn 'Abbas, in
which the Prophet said, "If the animal's skin is tanned, it is purified." (Related by al-Bukhari and
Fiqh 1.15 a: Purifying mirrors and similar objects
Mirrors, knives, swords, nails, bones, glass, painted pots and other smooth surfaces that have no pores
are purified by simply wiping them and removing any impure remains. The companions of the Prophet
used to pray while wearing swords smeared with blood, and they used to just wipe the swords to purify
Fiqh 1.15 b: Purifying shoes
Shoes may be purified by rubbing them against the ground, as long as the remains of the impurity are
removed. Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said, "If one of you
stepped in some filth, the dirt will purify his shoes." Related by Abu Dawud. In another narration it
states, "If one of you steps in some filth with his shoes on, the dirt will purify them." Abu Sa'eed
reported the Prophet, upon whom be peace, saying, "When a person comes to the mosque, he should
look at his shoes. If he finds any filth on them, he should wipe them against the ground and pray in
them." (Related by Ahmad and Abu Dawud.) Since shoes are repeatedly exposed to filth, it is sufficient
just to wipe them against the ground. This is similar to the case of defecation. In fact, it is stronger
than that case, as defecation usually occurs only two or three times a day.
Fiqh 1.15 c: Useful points that are greatly needed concerning purification
Rope used for hanging clothes with impurities on them may afterwards be used for hanging pure
If a liquid falls on a person and he does not know if it was water or urine, he need not inquire about it.
If he does inquire, the one who is asked need not answer him even if he knows that the liquid is
impure. In that case, the person need not wash his clothes.
If a person finds something moist on his body or clothes at night, and he does not know what it is, he
need not smell it to discover what it might be. It is related that 'Umar passed by a gutter (and got wet).
'Umar's companion asked the owner of the gutter if the water was pure or impure. 'Umar told the
owner not to answer the question, and went on his way.
Clothes that have street mud on them need not be washed. Reported Kamyal ibn Ziyad, "I saw 'Ali
wading through the mud, after which he entered the mosque and prayed without washing his legs."
If a person finishes his prayer and sees some impurities on his clothes or body of which he was not
previously aware, or he was aware of them but forgot about them, or he did not forget about them but
he was not able to remove them, then his prayer is still valid and he need not repeat it. This opinion is
supported by Allah's statement, "And there is no sin for you in the mistakes you make
unintentionally." (al-Ahzab 5). Many of the companions and those of the following generation gave this
legal verdict.
If a person can not determine what part of his clothes contain the impurity, he should wash the whole
garment. This is based on the axiom, "If an obligation cannot be fulfilled except by performing another
related act, then that act also becomes obligatory."
If a person mixes his pure clothes with his impure clothes (and gets confused between them), he
should investigate the matter and pray once in one of the clothes. This is similar to the question of the
exact direction of the qiblah. It does not matter if the proportion of pure clothes was large or small.
Fiqh 1.16: It is not proper for one to carry something that has Allah's name upon it while he
is going to the bathroom
It is not proper for one to carry something that has Allah's name upon it (unless he is afraid of losing it
or having it stolen), while he is going to the bathrom. Anas related that the Messenger of Allah, upon
whom be peace, had a ring engraved with Muhammad Rasool-ullah, (Muhammad the Messenger of
Allah), which he would remove when he went to the bathroom. Ibn Hajr says that this hadith is malul (a
type of weak hadith having a defect) and Abu Dawud says it is m unkar, (singularly related by people
who are not trustworthy). The first portion of the hadith is authentic, however.
Fiqh 1.17: He should move and hide himself from others while going to the bathroom
This is especially true in the case of defecation, so others can not hear noxious sounds or smell bad
odors. Said Jabir, "We were journeying with the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, and he
would only relieve himself when he was out of sight." (This is related by Ibn Majah.) Abu Dawud
records that, "When he wanted to relieve himself, he would go where no one could see him." He also
related, "When the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, went out he would go very far away."
Fiqh 1.17 a: One should mention the name of Allah and seek refuge in Him when entering
the privy or removing his clothes to relieve himself
Anas reported that when the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, entered the privy he would say,
"In the name of Allah. O Allah! I seek refuge in you from male and female noxious beings (devils)." This
is related by "the group."
Fiqh 1.17 b: One should not talk when going to the bathroom
One should not respond to a greeting or repeat what the caller to prayer is saying. He may speak if
there is some necessity (i.e., to guide a blind man who fears he may be harmed). If he sneezes, he
should praise Allah to himself and simply move his lips (without making a sound). Ibn 'Umar related
that a man passed by the Prophet, upon whom be peace, and greeted him while he (the Prophet) was
urinating. The Prophet did not return his greeting. (This is related by "the group," except for al-
Bukhari.) Abu Sa'eed reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, say, "Isn't it
true that Allah detests those who converse while they relieve themselves?" This was related by Ahmad,
Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah.
This hadith seems to support the position that it is forbidden to talk. Many scholars, however, say that
it is only disliked, not forbidden.
Fiqh 1.18: One should neither face nor turn his back on the qiblah while relieving himself
Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said, "When one of you
relieves himself, he should neither face the qiblah nor turn his back on it." This was related by Ahmad
and Muslim.
The prohibition implies that it is only disliked. As Ibn 'Umar related that he once went to Hafsah's
home, where he saw the Messenger of Allah relieving himself while facing Syria with his back to the
Ka'bah. This is related by "the group." Some reconciliate these hadith by saying that in the desert it is
forbidden to face or turn one's back on the Ka'bah, while it is permitted in buildings. Said Marwan al-
Asghar, "I saw 'Umar sitting on his she-camel and facing the qiblah while urinating. I said, 'O father of
'Abdurahman ... is this not forbidden?' He said, 'Certainly not ... This has been prohibited only in open
areas. If there is a barricade (or separator) between you and the qiblah, there is nothing wrong with it."

Islam the Religion of Peace

Eid al-Adha 2017 and 2018

Eid al-Adha 2017 and 2018

By Abdullahi Baba Umar.
Eid al-Adha (Arabic: عيد الأضحى‎ ʿīd al-aḍḥā [ʕiːd ælˈʔɑdˤħæ] meaning “Festival of the sacrifice”), also called the Feast of the Sacrifice, the Major Festival, the Greater Eid, Kurban Bayram (Turkish: Kurban Bayramı; Bosnian: kurban-bajram), Eid e Qurban (Persian: عید قربان‎) or Bakr’Eid (Urdu: بکرا عید‎), is the second of two religious holidays celebrated by Muslims around the World each year.  Eid al-Adha honors the willingness of Abraham (Ibrahim) to sacrifice his young first-born son Ishmael (Ismail)a as an act of submission to God’s command, before God then intervened to provide Abraham with a lamb to sacrifice instead.
In the lunar-based Islamic calendar, Eid al-Adha falls on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah and lasts for four days. In the international Gregorian calendar, the dates vary from year to year, drifting approximately 11 days earlier each year.

  • According to the Gregorian Calender, Eid Al-Adha 2018 will be on or around Wednesday, August 22, 2018
  • According to the Gregorian Calender, Eid Al-Adha 2017 will be on or around Thursday, August 31, 2017

Previous Dates for Eid Al Adha

  • According to the Gregorian Calender, Eid Al-Adha 2016 will be on or around Sunday, September 11, 2016
  • According to the Gregorian Calender, Eid Al-Adha 2015 was on Wednesday, 23 September 2015
  • According to the Gregorian Calender, Eid Al-Adha 2014 was on or around Saturday,  October 4, 2014

Islam the Religion of Peace


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