Saturday 22 September 2018


                                                         Islam the Religion of Peace
                                            What is Wudu (Ablution)?
It is a special cleaning performed by washing the face, arms, and feet, and by wiping the head.
Wudu has several material and spiritual benefits. A Muslim who makes wudu at least 5 times a day forms a habit of cleaning, which protects him from causes of illnesses and purifies him of microbes. They are material benefits of wudu. Wudu has several spiritual benefits, too.
The Prophet (pbuh) addressed Anas bin Malik as follows: "Make your wudu properly and fully so that the guardian (hafaza) angels will love you and your life will be lengthened."
Wudu gives light to the face and joy to the heart. It is a means of forgiveness for minor sins. The Messenger of Allah expresses it as follows:
"If a person makes wudu as it is ordered and performs prayers as they are ordered, his minor sins are forgiven."
Wudu is a spiritual weapon of a believer. He protects himself from bad feelings and desires. He gets rid of the effect of the delusions and negative feelings that attack his mind as long as he has wudu.
People who have wudu are often protected and kept away from the evil of dirty and evil beings thanks to wudu.
It is stated in a hadith that it is possible for a person who dies when he has wudu to attain the rank of martyrdom.
It is certain as it is expressed by some hadiths that the wudu organs of believers will be bright, beautiful and luminous. It is a property that was not given to other ummahs.
Wudu was rendered fard by verse 6 of the chapter of al-Maida.


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