Saturday 22 September 2018

What are the Adabs (Mustahabs) of Wudu?


                                                           Islam the Religion of Peace
                                                 What are the Adabs (Mustahabs) of Wudu?
The mustahabs (adabs) of wudu are as follows: If they are done, rewards are received. If they are not done, no blaming or punishment is in question.
1 - To stand in a high place in order to protect oneself from the splashing of water while making wudu.
2 - To turn toward the qiblah while making wudu .
3 - Not to ask help from anybody while making wudu. That is, to try to make wudu on one's own without the help of anybody unless one is ill or needs the help of others due to an excuse. If somebody helps a person voluntarily without being asked, there is no drawback to it. It does not violate adabs. As a matter of fact, it is written in hadith books that some Companions poured water out of a pitcher for the Messenger of Allah and received his dua though the Messenger of Allah did not ask help from them. This shows that there is no drawback to accepting the voluntary help of others like preparing water for wudu and pouring it.
4 - Not to talk while making wudu unless it is necessary. For, worldly talk prevents a person from reading wudu supplications.
5 - To intend to make wudu by the tongue along with the heart and to remember this intention (niyyah) throughout wudu.
6 - To utter basmala separately for each organ that is washed and to read wudu supplications reported from salaf. If a person does not know these supplications, he can utter salawat for the Messenger of Allah.
7 - To move the ring which is not tight and which allows the water under. If the ring is tight, it must be moved.
8 - To put water in the mouth and the nose through the right hand.
9 - To throw the water out of the nose using the left hand.
10 - Not to use water extravagantly or too thriftily while making wudu. That is, not to waste and not to act stingily.
Once the Messenger of Allah saw Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas, one of the Companions, making wudu by using a lot of water. He said to him,
- What is this extravagance? Thereupon, Sa'd asked in astonishment: "Is there extravagance in wudu?"
Thereupon, the Prophet answered him as follows:
- Yes. Even if you make wudu near a river, it will regarded as israf (waste) if you spend too much water."
11 - To make wudu before the time for a prayer starts or to try to have wudu all the time except for an excused person.
It is very virtuous to make wudu before the time for a prayer starts because this prepares a person spiritually for worship and makes him turn to worship with his heart.
To have wudu all the time is a means of attaining great rewards and spiritual benefits. For, such a person can do any righteous deeds that need to be done by having wudu anywhere and anytime. He can perform prayers in congregation, perform supererogatory prayers and janazah prayers and can hold the Quran (mushaf) anytime. In short, it becomes possible to do all kinds of righteous deeds thanks to having wudu. Besides, if he dies when he has wudu, it is hoped that he will attain the rank of martyrdom.
It is stated in a hadith that angels always ask forgiveness for a person who has wudu all the time and goes to bed having wudu.
It is narrated that seven good qualities are granted to a person who has wudu all the time:
* Angels like his talk and visit him.
* The pen always writes rewards for him.
* All of the organs of that person glorify Allah.
* He always goes to the mosque and does not miss the congregation.
* Angels protect him from the harmful things that can hit him in the dark.
* During the time of death, he dies easily.
* He is protected by Allah Almighty.
12 - To make wudu though one has wudu. It is stated in a hadith that if a person makes wudu though he has wudu, he will be given ten rewards.
13 - To turn toward the qibla at the end of wudu and utter kalima ash-shahadah, and to pray as follows:
"Allahumma'j'alni minattawwabina wa'j'alni mina'l-mutatahhirin (O Allah! Make me among those who repent and purify themselves." (*)
14 - Not to make wudu with water heated under the sun. It is said that invisible harmful rays in the sun will penetrate into water and that it will harm the health of the person who makes wudu with it.
15 - (For those who make wudu with a pitcher) not to leave the pitcher empty and to fill it for the next wudu. It is said that this will enable a person to make Satan give up hope of delaying his prayer.
16 - To read the chapter of al-Qadr after uttering kalima ash-shahada at the end of wudu.
17 - To exaggerate while washing the arms, face and feet. That is, to wash the arms up to the shoulders, to wash the feet up to the knees and to wash the face down to the neck. The reason for this exaggeration is that the faces and wudu organs of the ummah of Muhammad will be bright and luminous on the Day of Judgment. This is something given to the Islamic ummah only.
It is recommended in a hadith to exaggerate while washing the organs of wudu in order to increase this brightness, luminosity and whiteness:
"Doubtlessly, my ummah will turn up with luminous faces and white wudu organs on the Day of Judgment due to the traces of wudu. Increase this luminosity and whiteness if you can."
18 - To perform a two-rak'ah prayer after wudu if it is not time of karahah.

What are the Sunnahs of Wudu?

                                                        What are the Sunnahs of Wudu?

What are the Conditions for a Valid Wudu?

                                                       Islam the Religion of Peace
What are the Conditions for a Valid Wudu?
The following three conditions are necessary for a valid wudu:
1. Clean water must penetrate and cover the skin. That is, all of the surfaces of the organs necessary to be washed must be wetted. Otherwise, wudu will not be valid. The Prophet stated the following about the people who do not wet their heels while making wudu. "Woe on those heels in Hell!"
2. The elimination of that states that invalidate wudu; that is, the end of menstruation and puerperum. Leakage of urine and blood is also a state that invalidates wudu. A person must not make wudu before the leakage of urine or blood ends. If they leak continuously, it is regarded as an excuse. What is mentioned above is for those who do not have any excuses. Therefore, one must not make wudu immediately after urinating before the leakage stops.
Even very little leakage after making wudu invalidates wudu.
3. Scraping off the things like wax, oil, dough, glue, etc that prevent water from penetrating the skin.

What are the Fards of Wudu?
There are four principles (fards) of wudu:
1 – Washing the face once.
2 – Washing the hands and the arms including the elbows once.
3 – Washing the feet including the heels once.
4 – To wipe one-fourth of the head.
It is fard to wash the arms, face and feet, the organs stated above, at least once.
It is sunnah to wash them three times.

What Part of the Face Needs to be Washed?
The part of the face to be washed in wudu is the part from the top part of the head where hair grows to the bottom of the chin vertically and the part between the two earlobes horizontally. The hairless area between the starting place of beard and the ears is regarded as part of the face, hence it needs to be washed.

How do People with Beards Need to Wash their Chins?
It is necessary to wash the skin at the bottom of the beard for the people with hirtellous beard. Those with bushy beard do not have to wash the skin at the bottom of their beard. It is enough for them to wet their beard.
Is it necessary to wash the inside of the eyes and the skin under the eyebrows and mustache?
No, it is not. It is not necessary to wash the inside of the eyes. Therefore, those who wear lenses do not have to remove their lenses when they make wudu. It is enough to wet the eyebrows and the mustache hairs. The skin under them does not have to be wetted.   
However, it is necessary to wet the skin under the eyebrows and the mustache to wet while making ghusl.

What does to Wipe the Head Mean?
Mash (wipe) lexically means to move the hand on something. It also means to wipe.
In religious terminology, it means to touch a place with wetness that has not been used anywhere else. The place that is touched can be the head, the khuffs worn on the feet or a wrapping on a wound. What matters is that the wetness should not be used anywhere else before. For instance, the wetness remaining after washing the arms cannot be used in order to wipe the head. For, this wetness was used on the arm. It is necessary to wet the hand again before the head is wiped. (However, it is permissible to wipe the arms with the wetness remaining from the head.)

What Amount of the Head is Fard to Wipe?
The amount of the head that is fard to be wiped is one-fourth of it. The Messenger of Allah wiped the upper part of his forehead, that is, the front part of his head. Therefore, it is sunnah to wipe the front part of the face. However, any part of the head can be wiped as long as one-fourth of the head is wiped and the part below the ears is not wiped. For, the part of the head that can be wiped is the part over the two ears. If any one-fourth of that part is wiped, mash is all right.

States that do not Prevent Wudu:
* If a person lacks one or more wudu organs, he is exempted from washing it/them. However, if an organ is cut off but some part of it exists, the existing part needs to washed. For instance, a person whose hand is cut off needs to wash his hand up to his elbows. If his arm is cut off completely, he is exempted from washing it.
* If a person definitely knows that he has made wudu but doubts whether he has broken it, he is regarded to have wudu. For, certain knowledge is not removed by doubt. If the opposite is in question, that is, if a person knows that he has broken his wudu but doubts whether he has made wudu after it, he is regarded not to have wudu.
* If a person doubts during wudu or after it whether he has washed some organs, he needs to was those organs unless he is a person with delusions. If he is a person with delusions, his doubt is not taken into consideration. His wudu is regarded to be complete.
The paint left on the nails of a painter does not invalidate his wudu due to necessity. However, paints that form a layer on the nails and that prevent water from penetrating but that are not used due to a necessity prevent the validity of wudu.
* The inside of a boil which has improved but whose skin has not come off yet is not washed.
* If fingers have stuck to one another due to a temporary reason, or if a long nail has been curved inwards and covered the finger tip, or if one or some of the wudu organs have been covered with something that prevents water from penetrating the skin like, wax, dough, glue, oil paint, etc, they have to be removed.
* The dirt in the nail and on the body, the dirt caused by fleas and houseflies do not prevent wudu.
* If there is a tight ring on the finger, it is necessary to move it and allow water to pass under it.
* If hairy places are shaved after making wudu or ghusl, those places do not have to be washed or wiped again.
* If nails are clipped, mustache is trimmed and skin is raised after wudu, wudu is not invalidated.


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