Saturday 22 September 2018

What are the Makruhs of Wudu?

                                                   Islam the Religion of Peace
                                              What are the Makruhs of Wudu?
Everything that is contrary to the sunnahs and adabs of wudu is regarded as makruh. Primary makruhs of wudu are as follows:
1 - To waste water; to use more than necessary water.
2 - To decrease the amount of water; that is, to wash an organ with very little water as if wiping it.
3 - To wash the organs by splashing water against them.
4 - To talk unnecessarily while making wudu.
5 - To ask for help while making wudu though there is no necessity.
Once the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was drawing water from a well. When Hz. Umar saw it, he ran toward him to help him. However, the Messenger of Allah stopped him and said.
"O Umar! Stop! I do not want help from anybody for prayer."
However, it is permissible to accept help if there is a necessity or if somebody offers help voluntarily.

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