Saturday 22 September 2018

What are the Things that Invalidate Wudu?

                                                          Islam the Religion of Peace
                                              What are the Things that Invalidate Wudu?
1 – Any dirty things, liquid or substance like urine, feces, sperm, madi, blood, etc coming out of urinary tract and anus.
2 – Wind coming out of anus (farting).
3 – Apart from the urinary tract and anus, liquid like blood, pus, yellow water coming from any part of the body. The blood that comes out of the body does not invalidate wudu unless it flows or it diffuses on its own around the place where it comes out of.  The pus and yellow water coming out of a wound. If this liquid, which does not diffuse on its own, is wiped, wudu is not invalidated. Blood extracted through cupping and leeches.
As for the liquids other than blood, pus and yellow water, they invalidate wudu if they flow due to an illness. For instance, if a person's eyes water due to an eye illness, his wudu is invalidated.  The liquids that come out due to causes other than illnesses do not invalidate wudu. For instance, tears shed due to crying and laughing a lot or liquid coming out of the nose due to cold weather do not invalidate wudu.
Pure water coming out of blisters on the body is like blood and invalidates wudu according to a view. According to another view, it does not invalidate wudu. In the second view, there is great ease for the people who have scabies and smallpox. It is reported from Imam Hulwani that there is no drawback to acting in accordance with this view when there is a necessity. The wetness caused by eczema and the rash between fingers do not invalidate wudu.
*According to Shafiis, liquids like blood, pus, yellow water, etc coming from any organs except the urinary tract and anus do not invalidate wudu
4 – To vomit a mouthful. The thing vomited may be food, water or bile. If a person vomits in small amounts, his wudu is invalidated if it amounts to a mouthful all together.
5 – If a person spits saliva in which blood is more than or equal to water. Which one is more is understood from the color. If it is yellow, water is more; if it is reddish, it is equal; if it is red, blood is more. If water in the saliva is more than blood, wudu is not invalidated. If traces of blood are seen when a person bites a quince, apple, etc, his wudu is not invalidated.
6 – Sleep that makes a person lose his control invalidates wudu whether he sleeps on his sides, on his back, face down or leaning on his elbow. A short nap in which a person can hear the talks around him does not invalidate wudu.
When a person sleeps by leaning on something, his wudu is invalidated if he falls when that thing is removed.
7 – To faint and be unconscious for a short or long time.
8 – To laugh in prayer. To smile and to laugh are different. To laugh is aloud and it is heard. Therefore, it invalidates wudu if one laughs while performing a prayer. When wudu is invalidated, the prayer is also invalidated. To smile is silent; therefore, it does not invalidate prayer or wudu. However, if a person laughs slightly so that only he himself hears it, his prayer is invalidated but his wudu is valid.
* According to Shafiis, wudu is not invalidated even if a person laughs loudly while performing a prayer.
9 – Sexual intercourse or extreme touching and contact. According to Hanafis, if the skins of a woman and man touch each other, their wudu is not invalidated but if they contact each other extremely while they are naked or without any garment that will prevent them from feeling the heat of their bodies, caress, hug each other lustfully, their wudu is invalidated. According to the most of the Hanafi scholars, the criterion for the extreme contact is the hardening of the penis; According to Imam Muhammad, wudu is not invalidated unless some wetness like madi comes out. According to Malikis and Hanbalis, wudu is invalidated if sexual pleasure is felt.
10 – If a person who has made tayammum sees water, his wudu is invalidated.
11 – Wudu of an excused person is invalidated if the time for a prayer ends.
12 – If a person gets drunk by drinking alcohol or taking drug, his wudu is invalidated. It is haram to take intoxicants but the amount that is not enough to make a person drunk does not invalidate wudu.

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